Cell phone and daily life
 in this blog we will talk about two topics very important for the current society such as texting at night and the risk of texting when you walk

Texting at Night
Today, our young people live in a difficult, warlike, bloody world. They watch with MTV veneration, but they are surprised by the deaths of children and young people, like them, that the world chains transmit all the time, almost live and right. Perciben with special sensitivity, I do not know whether it is reflexive or intuitive, that this social system where they live together, and that they did not choose, does not agree with the values ​​and justice concepts transmitted by those same adults who must fulfill them: "Freedom, equality, fraternity". but I did not experience the globalization of information:
I see the horror from my house, even though it is occurring simultaneously on the other side of the world ... This brought important changes for young culture: "I can no longer transform the world by believing in great utopias, there remains the order of subjective, narcissism, the body ... "The world of parents has also become problematic; economic difficulties, instability and insecurity appear as dominant factors.
The adults are in the midst of a crisis, and because of the indifference of young people towards it, it is outlined as atypical in the historical scenario; This leads us to elaborate the following hypotheses:
1. There is a tendency for the disintegration of the extra-family adult as a model of identification. Today's idols are witness images of themselves and now, without the aspiration to form an adult mediate profile. They are true mirrors where the self is reflected, even if it is a Rolling Stone of 60 years of actual age.
2. The young body of 13 or 14 years is presented as a referential model, and on the contrary, many adults revert to the second decade of life. Their aspirations of beauty Beauty stopped in the youth for all the vital stages. The mourning for lost childhood is tempered by the ambiguities of the adult, and the young man increases his self-sufficiency in those previously unthinkable aspects. Adolescence as a vital stage is lived as never before, with the same qualitative entity as adulthood and old age, it is no longer a "transit to". In the identification process, the present and the future play a transcendent role: "When a model is selected it is done with the relation" I in the future "If laequation is" I in the present "then the identification appears broken, imperfect, and not determinant.

3.It is then in this new universe that young people have structured a space colonized by adults: NIGHT. The night of the weekend is young people what gives sense to the rest of the week, is the expression of a mythical imaginary that allows them to group together and identify themselves with their own signs and codes.Here, in this meeting space, they may be able to anesthetize themselves, disinhibit themselves, consume alcohol or other substances, and do things that would not have the effect of these substitutes. certain types of controls: no parents, no teachers, no bosses, just maybe the police.

In the previous video a brief summary of when and where we use the cell phone is made

The use of mobile devices at bedtime, such as smartphones and tablets, increases the risk of sleep disorders, and decreases the quantity and quality of sleep, said the coordinator of the Sleep Disorders Clinic UAM Iztapalapa, Guadalupe Terán Pérez.

And, despite the benefits of using devices for communication, education and social relationships, studies show that they can have significant negative effects on our health, specifically in sleep.

in these illustrations shows our current life to be all day in the cell phone as if it were a part of us

we must also remember that we should not go on the cell phone while driving so many people die

then a graph on the probability of dying or going to the hospital for the use of the cell phone

The following survey reveals some of the things we are used to on cell phones

Do you know what hexes a cell phone has?

As such a mobile phone has no hexes the bad uses we give ourselves with the excessive use of texts

Do you know the dangers of texting at night?

Sending text messages after turning off lights or lying in bed can interfere with a restful sleep, especially when the messages are stressful or loaded with emotion.

Did you ever think that it can cost you to live textiar in the street?

Many teenagers believe that what adults say is a lie but they have not realized that this can make life difficult for them, since when we are on the street we face thousands of situations of danger and more if we are with a telephone.

A clear example is when crossing the street because we do not realize our surroundings by texting with another person and this can be run over by being distracted in a telegono mivil.

What are the political aspects generated by this type?

Well one could be banning the use of cell phones in public ways

Solution :

Together with your teenager, establish a reasonable time for text messages, suspending them, for example, after a certain time on school days. To reinforce that rule, take the phone out of your teenager's room at night.

Since some research also suggests that spending time in front of a screen before going to bed interferes with sleep, and as a result, adolescents may lose sleep or have difficulty reconciling it, poor sleep quality and daytime sleepiness.

Do you want this for your child ????

Already!!!! Put a stop to the texts at night ....

Finally a funny video about the falls of people who see on the cell phone


  1. When we spend a lot of time with the phone we are causing irreversible damage, in a time this causes blindness or we will not have performance.

  2. I think you need more creativity and less text


  3. although the information is somehow correct is not something I want to read

  4. I hope and take this into account and better your blog


  5. Why do you think we're talking?
    one for the addictive thing that can be done
    two by people

  6. everything that says this blog is true I liked it a lot

  7. the information it contains is good, I like it

  8. I wish I had more images and less information or a little more summary to get my attention

  9. I really liked the use of videos in this blog

  10. the information is very accurate and that is good for those people who need to know a little more about this subject

  11. however I would have liked it to have more sub-themes in order to have clearer information

  12. The information is understandable but not well structured as it should be

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. If you count on what the teacher said to apply, but I feel that the blog did not take so much profit

  15. This beautiful the bog but he needed less information and more key points, more images or videos

  16. I think that there were no consequences and more talk about text messages

  17. need more pictures to call more attention

  18. contains many letters, needs to be more striking

  19. in the information part this very complete happiness

  20. you need more videos to be more flashy and more interesting

  21. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  22. Does not have a bad presentation, but the information is more focused at the beginning and not so distributed

  23. contains relevant information but will complement more with images


  24. Provide us with the necessary or appropriate information


  25. would have given more creativity to the blog, is almost all very focused

  26. The information is adequate and understandable


  27. If we have many dangers to be with instant messaging in all parts

  28. I see driving while texting people, cause road accidents all the time.

  29. do you think the consequences are important or are they just normal

  30. It is very important to cover in general topic of the messages and in your information you put it

  31. need more pictures to call more attention

  32. Interesting information at the beginning

  33. But I found it interesting how young people communicate more through messages

  34. Also missing more design with more images

  35. very complete and interesting information

  36. Only that they lacked more sub-themes in order to be clearer about the idea

  37. Topic too extensive, only need to cover but subtopics

  38. Many times we do not know who we talk about social networks

  39. Sometimes people abuse others because of overconfidence

  40. I like the images that project reality

  41. I think the main text is very long and boring

  42. The light emitted by your cell phone prevents the production of melanonin, the famous hormone that helps to regulate sleep and rest.

  43. For this reason your bedtime is usually a little irregular and for as long as you sleep, rest is not the same.

  44. The constant use of the cell phone at any time, but especially at night, increases the levels of stress.

  45. Northwestern University said that cell phone light at night causes an imbalance in appetite.

  46. So you know, it's time to let go of the technology and give your body a rest.

  47. this blog was not much of my liking because to me it makes me more striking a blog with images and structure that pure words

  48. in my opinion should add something more than pure text because it looks very simple and unimportant

  49. the information is interesting but boring since reading the entire blog does not attract attention as it should

  50. its first video I liked by the subject that wanted to give to understand and by its style

  51. the chosen subject I like because with this it makes aware of what you are doing wrong or well

  52. I think is very very great but is a little ilogic

  53. good blog is informative and entertaining

  54. It is very informative as it gives you several current topics of interest

  55. using all the strategies in the blog helps you to better understand things

  56. the video is fun since we can see the accidents of people by being on the cell phone

  57. thanks to this blog we can better understand some issues today

  58. Sincerely in the graph I thought that Mexico would be the
    first place...

  59. Any other consequences that could cause this?

  60. We must heed our parents. If they say
    than being on the street (or doing other activity)
    with the phone is dangerous. Why risk it?

  61. The solution they employ may be useful but not many
    adolescents will like the idea of establishing
    schedules for sending and replying to messages.

  62. Good job and I hope that teenagers can
    understand the risks you are having when sending and
    resivir messages.

  63. I liked your blog because I reported on the damage that cell phones do in today's young people.

  64. I found it interesing I liked ot but I tink it needs more graphics ti be attractive

  65. the video is fun since we can see the accidents of people by being on the cell phone

  66. The solution they employ may be useful but not many
    adolescents will like the idea of establishing

  67. I think is very very great but is a little ilogic

  68. So you know, it's time to let go of the technology and give your body a rest.

  69. hello to those who correspond to those who made the blog I would say this in 5 very easy things to say and it is that your information is very good but from a very psychological perspective.

  70. in second they lack how to generalize some aspects like all the talkerio of the children that better put it in the end.

  71. in third place more information and statistical and research data.

  72. in the end her way of giving the strategies and types of text of the teacher Rocci I like is very concrete and critical.


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